On a quest for the largest harvest possible, I ordered Six-Week Purple Hull Cowpeas and Alabama Black Butterbeans. As I am one to give just about anything a try, I'm toying with the idea of starting both of these, along with Christmas Pole and King of the Garden butterbeans, indoors to get a jump on the season. Last year, soil temps were cold and legume seeds rotted in the ground because the weather just wouldn't warm up. Typically, cowpeas take at least 60 - 85 days to mature to harvest. I think it would be great to get at least 4 crops of the Six-Week peas out of the garden. With succession sowing, I think it can be done.
One reason the lagniappe from Baker Creek is appreciated is that some of these seeds will be shared with others to help them get their gardens started. It's part of the Seed Bank program at Josie Gladys Gardens to bring greater food security to more homes. Looks like there are 2 community gardens that will receive seed from Josie Gladys Gardens this year. Since the seed offered are open-pollinated, the recipients will be able to save their own seed for next year, and that means less strain on people's budgets.
The next order that should arrive (maybe tomorrow) will be from Seed Savers Exchange. It includes a stuffing tomato called Striped Cavern, Blue Jade sweet corn that is a container candidate, Lazy Housewife bean, and Golden Midget watermelon (for early harvest and a color-change when ripe).
Mostly, the focus in variety selection is for maximum production whether due to prolific fruiting or shorter days to harvest. On my website - http://www.sandrareaves.com/ - I have a growing list of vegetables that are ready in about 60 days. Next, I'll shoot for a list of vegetables you can harvest in 45 days. Just imagine what that would do to fill pantries!
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