new! JosieGladysGardens is Expanding into Pages!

New! JosieGladysGardens is Expanding into Pages! Okay, so it's just one page besides the home page so far. :) Check out the PAGES link below. This is where photos of the garden's harvest are served up. Coming (eventually) will be a recipes page. Of course, you can also get recipes at under Food Preservation.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Well, hello, stranger!  AGAIN!

New technology has come into my hands - thank you, Mr. Okra.  Once again, I can wax pepper poetic (or just mess up the English language) doing longer blogs.  Better still, I should be able to post pictures again! There is big-time catching up to do on the image front.  In fact, instead of blabbing on this time, how about if I show you some of what's been growing on? (In no particular order.)

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